Julia Benwell-Froggatt (AKA JBF or Jules)
Art Director/Creative Director


I’m a super professional, ever-hungry creative with over 25 years experience, at both big agencies and small, and with over 12 of those running my own agency too.

I make multi-platform campaigns happen, from the ideas through to delivery. I’m a strategic thinker and my work is based on strong, clean, content-led design. My photographic background means that I pay close attention to detail in everything that I do.

I am used to working with tricky briefs, tight deadlines, and tighter budgets for every kind of client. From the fastest production motorbikes to children’s charities, from science magazines to huge entertainment companies…

And, I have worked across all media including TV, digital, press, OOH, direct mail, social, and POS.

I’m a good leader and clear communicator, and really enjoy working closely with creative teams, designers, photographers, production, UX and client services.

I excel at making strong working relationships with the clients too – never fazed to ask questions, collaborate with them, or present to them.

Having run my own agency, I have a wealth of business experience; I stay calm under pressure and am an extremely versatile and practical problem solver.

When I’m not at work I love hanging out with my family and friends, playing tennis, playing vinyl – dancing in the kitchen! And cruising around in my old 3 series convertible as well as spending time at the seaside in Dorset.